India's Best Tutoring Platform For Home & Online Tuitions!

Welcome to India’s premier platform for top-notch tutoring services, right in the comfort of your home or online!

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Available Classes & Subjects

8th to 10th (All Subjects)


+1, +2 (All Stream)



(Basic & Advance Level)


(Grammar & Spoken)

Competition Exam

(All Types of Exams)

Compartment, Boarding

Dummy or Private Student

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One-on-One Classes



Exam Preparation

Syllabus Completion

Easy Class Access

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Expert Tutors

Highly qualified and experienced tutors dedicated to helping you succeed in your studies.

Online & Offline Tuitions

Choose your learning mode.

Tutor Replacement

Free & Instant Tutor Replacement for Dissatisfaction

100% Customized Classes

Arrange classes at convenient times that fit your schedule

You are the focus

Provide targeted support and resources to improve understanding

Dedicated Tutors

1-on-1 personalized Classes for you.

Class Management

Instant updates and notifications for seamless communication.

Tutor all learning needs

One stop platform for lifetime educational requirement.



I'm so glad I discovered Mathsbite! The tutor I hired was able to explain complex mathematical concepts in a way that made them easy to understand.

— Rohit Patel

Mathsbite exceeded my expectations! The tutor I connected with was not only highly qualified but also genuinely passionate about helping me succeed

—Isha Gupta

I can't thank Mathsbite enough for matching me with an exceptional tutor. With their guidance, I was able to tackle challenging math problems and achieve the grades I aspired to.

— Deepa Gupta


I have been teaching on MathsBite for several months now, and I must say it has been a wonderful experience.

— Aniket Patel

As a tutor on MathsBite, I am impressed by the level of professionalism and support provided by the platform. The administrative team is responsive and ensures a smooth experience for both tutors and students.

— Priya Sharma

MathsBite has been instrumental in connecting me with dedicated and enthusiastic students. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of MathsBite.

— Rajesh Kumar